We thank God for the work that He has done through this ministry which is grounded in our faith in the Lord and our love for fellow man.
The first street kids arrived at the Vida Nueva church, where the ministry "Casa Hogar Nacer" was born.
Initially, Casa Hogar Nacer was located in the "Vida Nueva" church. Later, the ministry was moved to Camp David, a camp ministry of Baptist International Missions of Bolivia, located 32 miles west of Santa Cruz.
We began the year working with 12 boys, but throughout the year more and more needy boys began to arrive. By the end of 1999, God had given us the privilege of sharing the Word of God and the love of our Lord Jesus Christ with 37 boys.
As with any new ministry in its second year, Casa Hogar Nacer experienced a variety of problems. However, the ministry continued by faith.
One of the biggest problems that Casa Hogar Nacer faced was to provide education for the children. We wanted them to have the opportunity to obtain a good education so they could excel and become productive members of society. We were able to gain the permission of the educational authorities to enroll them in the local schools.
In 1998, five of our children were enrolled in school. At the beginning of 1999, we more than tripled that number (16 boys). By the end of 1999, there were a total of 24 children enrolled in school.
By providing them with guidance, love and a place to live we have seen their lives change completely. They have left behind drugs, alcohol and a life of crime and have replaced those things with the Bible and schoolbooks. As a result of these incredible changes, it is our prayer that they will become respected members of their community. The change that has occurred in the lives of these children is the proof of their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Casa Hogar Nacer gives the children ample opportunity to play and participate in sports. This provides them with positive alternatives to spend their time instead of consuming drugs. In 1999, we had the opportunity to participate in several different soccer tournaments.
Health issues are another major challenge that we face. Because these children come to Casa Hogar Nacer after having lived in the streets without proper food, nutrition, shelter and medical care, they often arrive with a variety of illnesses such as skin and intestinal infections.
The year 2000 was a wonderful year for Casa Hogar Nacer. The Lord gave us the great opportunity to see the lives of many children changed. We were able to observe how street kids whose future was grim and hopeless, became children of God, full of hope and love. It has been amazing to see how lives change when they are touched by the love and mercy of our Lord.
In three years, Casa Hogar Nacer has experienced incredible growth and has been privileged to touch many lives.
The children who arrive at Casa Hogar Nacer find a place that provides them with love and respect. By sharing with these children the Lord's love and mercy, we show the children the right path to a better life free of drugs, prostitution and crime.
All of this work could not be possible without the blessing that we have received from God through brothers and sisters in Christ who have given sacrificially so that the work may continue. God has raised up people such as Norman Clements, who donated 1.5 acres of land where we were able to build the necessary facilities for Casa Hogar Nacer. Jeff Brooks and missionary L.T. Everett were also key in helping us obtain financial resources to construct the buildings that we are now blessed with. Without the help of these people and many others we would not have been able to realize our dreams of touching the lives of these batters and unwanted children of society.
Through the gifts and blessings from people like you, "Casa Hogar Nacer" has been able to reach into the hearts of lives of the street kids of Santa Cruz so that they too can know the abundant life available through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Through the years "Casa Hogar Nacer" has maintained a philosophy and methodology that is based on the Word of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. No matter what conditions the child is in when he arrives, we believe that through the power of God, the child can be changed and become a child of God. Our aim is to help each child that arrives at "Casa Hogar Nacer" find the path to a better future by providing the child with the opportunity to encounter the love of our Lord Jesus Christ.
In Febrary 2000 we began the construction of our new facilities. Because of the financial support of our brothers and sisters in the U.S. and Canada, our dream to have our own facilities for "Casa Hogar Nacer" has become a reality.
The same children, who came from the streets to live in "Casa Hogar Nacer", helped in the construction of the new facilities. This helped in the development of their sense of responsibility and love for others. At "Casa Hogar Nacer" we are firm believers that when children learn to take responsibility for their work and study, they regain the self-confidence and self-assurance that they have lost from years of living in the streets. This self-confidence that they gain will help them face possible obstacles and problems in the future.
Through the entire rehabilitation process, our main goal is that children come to see who can save and transform their lives, giving them hope for the future.
Brothers and sisters in Christ, through your gifts of love we can see transforming lives. These are lives that God has rescued from the streets b the power and love of Jesus Christ. Through your gifts of love we now have a home where children can live and build a better future.
In closing we want to once again express our appreciation to you for your help, support and love. Thanks be to God, our brothers and sisters in Christ, for his provision of a place to live and the opportunity to touch so many lives for his glory.
— Miguel Zucchetti
Casa Hogar Nacer
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